We offer discounts, price-matching and free shipping on select orders.
Please enter coupon-codes at the checkout in order to receive discount. Please ensure you set-up your account with us for wholesale if you have a tax-resale certificate. We cannot refund taxes once an order is placed.
Some items, models, styles, brands may be excluded from promotional discounts. *Coupons may not apply to some brands because of restrictions set by the manufacturer or Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) policies.
Tiered pricing may be displayed on the product detail page and the applicable discount will be automatically calculated.
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Terms and Conditions: We price-match based on manufacturer pricing, MAP, excluding close-outs, and liquidations. Please contact us if you see the same item for a lower price with an authorized distributor of the same brand. Discounts may not be combined and may not be applicable for custom printing or embroidery, or other decoration orders, including but not limited to custom manufacturing. Discounts may not be combined with custom pricing orders for bulk lots.
Please contact us for any discount or coupon questions.